When was Takara Bio founded?
Takara Bio was established on April 1, 2002
When were Takara Bio’s stock shares listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange?
Listed on Mothers on December 7, 2004. After that, on March 31, 2016, the market was changed to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition, due to the market reorganization of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, We moved to the prime market from April 4, 2022.
What is the security code of Takara Bio?
It is 4974.
What is Takara Bio’s share stock trading unit?
They are traded in units of 100.
Stock Split and Share Unit System
We conducted a 400-for-1 stock split through a stock split with an effective date of April 1, 2011, in order to improve the liquidity of our shares and expand our investor base.
At the same time as the stock split, the Company adopted a stock unit system, bringing the number of shares constituting one unit to 100 shares.
This brings the effective unit of investment to one-fourth of the current level.
This brings the effective unit of investment to one-fourth of the current level. For details, please refer to the IR News dated February 15, 2011. [Japanese Text Only]
You have been selected for Loan Margin Trading. What kinds of margin transactions can you do?
Our shares were selected for loan margin trading issues from the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Japan Securities Finance Co., Ltd., and we have been able to trade on a margin basis since March 29, 2016.
Our shares can be both "selling" and "buying" in margin transactions as loan margin trading stock.
How can you sell fractional shares?
Shares less than one unit (less than 100 shares) may be sold by making a purchase request.
If you do not have an account with a securities company (for a special account), you will be in the Stock Transfer Agency Department of Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (toll-free 0120-288-324).
Please tell us about the procedures for stocks.
If you have an account with a securities company, you will be a securities company with which you do business.
If you do not have an account with a securities company (for a special account), you will be in the Stock Transfer Agency Department of Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (toll-free 120-288-324).
When is the General Meeting of Shareholders?
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is held in June of each year in accordance with the Company's Articles of Incorporation.
Where is the venue for the shareholders' meeting?
It is held in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture. For details, please refer to the Notice of Convocation of the General Meeting of Shareholders, which will be sent about two weeks before the date of the meeting.
When is the record date of the dividend?
Year-end Dividends; March 31, Interim Dividends; September 30
How do you think about shareholder’s return?
We consider returning profits to shareholders to be an important management issue, while paying attention to enhancing internal reserves in order to actively implement R&D activities in the Bioindustry Business and Gene Therapy Businesses. Our basic policy is to return profits to shareholders based on a comprehensive consideration of our operating results and financial position.
Specifically, the Company's policy is to distribute profits based on around 20% of the estimated net income, which is calculated without taking into account extraordinary gains and losses in the consolidated financial statements. Based on this policy, we plan to pay a year-end dividend of ¥33 per share for fiscal year ended March 31, 2022.
For fiscal year ending March 31, 2023 and beyond, we changed our policy to target the latter half of 30% of the assumed net income in the above policy. For details, please refer to the IR News dated May 12, 2022.
Do you not introduce a shareholder special benefit plan?
We have a policy of giving priority to dividends with respect to shareholder returns, and we do not currently have any plans to introduce this policy.
We believe that the implementation of the shareholder benefit program should be carefully considered in light of various factors, including operating results and financial condition.
Could you let me know Takara Bio’s Medium-Term Management Plan?
As for three-year Takara Bio's Medium-Term Management Plan FY2023, please refer to our website below.